It appears Buddhism is in need of a spiritual revival, so much so that a new "Buddha" has surfaced in Nepal. This 18-year-old by the name of Ram Bahadur Bomjam, became famous 3 years ago when his followers claimed he could meditate motionless for months without food or water. Evidently, followers wait in a 3-mile line for hours on end to be blessed by this young miracle working-phenom. Bomjam's followers believe he is the reincarnate "Buddha." Religious officials, however, refute this.
According to the AFP article:
The head of the committee that organises events around Bomjam insists he survives without food and water.
"We have never seen him eat or drink and we believe he's a god in human form," said Bed Bahadur Thing, president of the Buddha Jungle Meditation Conservation and Prosperity Committee.
Reporters, however, have caught the young man (believe this) sleeping and eating. Wow!
Picture and story excerpts courtesy of AFP and can be read at: